
FileAid 改版改名叫 FileApp 之後的 USB 傳輸問題


小鵝之前介紹過 DigiDNA 的 DiskAid 是很棒的好東西,
還會搭配使用他們寫給唉鳳用的 FileAid 來當作讀檔軟體。

FileAid 改名叫做 FileApp,
原本方便的 USB 傳檔功能消失了!

小鵝收到 DigiDNA 寄的解釋信。

有需要的 copy/paste 到 Goole Translate 裡頭去就好:

Dear ,

As a DiskAid user, you might be using FileAid to view files on your device.
If this is your case you are maybe aware already: we had to upgrade FileAid 1.4 to 1.5 and we changed the name to FileApp, incidentally.

The USB connectivity within FileApp was removed and we did not want that: it was not our choice but the consequence of a decision taken by Apple, nor did we wanted to have to rush to release it.
Besides, all iPhone Apps supporting the USB file transfer will be affected by that.

We were very upset about Apple's decision not to let our users enjoy the simplicity and efficiency of USB file transfer, but we had no choice as you can imagine. We are very sorry about that.

DiskAid (USB transfer tool) is still perfectly functional for file storing and iPhone/iPod Touch filesystem access but FileApp won't let you view your files on the device.

It is probably pretty uncommon, but we would like you NOT to UPGRADE to FileApp in the App Store automatically, but to read the following carefully before:

Why Should you Upgrade:
If you have a jailbreak on your device
If you are a FileAid user only using WiFi connection for transferring files - WiFi connectivity issue fixed

Why You Should NOT Upgrade:
If you are using FileAid on a device without jailbreak in conjunction with DiskAid - USB no longer supported

If you have upgraded on your iPhone by mistake (or you missed the upgrade information notice prior upgrading on your iPhone) you have the ability to downgrade to FileAid if you haven't upgraded within iTunes on your desktop and you haven't performed a sync!

To do so:
1 - Check that you have FileAid in your iPhone apps within iTunes on your computer
2 - Delete the FileApp app from your iPhone (or iPod Touch)
3 - Select FileAid within the app tab in iTunes and press sync
If a message appears warning that you have a more recent version of this app on the device, accept: it will install FileAid instead of FileApp

If you have upgraded to FileApp directly in iTunes on your computer, delete it before sync (if applicable) and the FileAid app will be copied back onto iTunes at next sync.

It is a real issue for us, as the ability to browse files transferred via USB within our iPhone app FileAid was a great feature within the DiskAid program we will sure suffer from that - but we won't let our loyal customers take the blame.

We would naturally refund users that claim for, even beyond our refund policy (up to 60 days).
Also if you had a good time while the trick lasted, or if you feel any sympathy for us and you think that your purchase could subsidize the development and maintenance of the free version of the FileAid/FileApp and you do not request a refund, we would thank you in advance for your support!

Vic & The DigiDNA Team

Note: We have released "BackOff" a new utility for Mac & Windows that speeds up iTunes - iPhone/iPod Touch sync!
It's free, you can get it at: http://www.digidna.net/backoff



小鵝許久沒有碰 FileAid 了。

因為它把檔案放在 DCIM 底下,會造成 iPhoto 輸出照片時的誤判。某個程度上還頗惱人的!
就完全跳槽到 Readdle Docs 去了。

要不是 DigiDNA 有寫那封信來。

只要別到最後也把 DiskAid 給閹割了就好,噗疵~~~ :P

5 則留言:

  1. 自從它無法使用USB傳輸之後,我就把它打入冷宮了......

  2. 鵝大,
    我改用Readdle Docs後發現在它還是把檔案放在DCIM下,還是一樣會影響iPhoto輸入照片。怎麼會這樣咧?我是用ReaddleWire傳檔案的。

  3. To: [ 志哥 ]



    To: [ kelwu ]


    我自己是用 Wi-Fi 去傳的,
    所以不是被放在 DCIM 底下。

    由於你是用 ReaddleWire 去傳檔,
    ( 不是 ReaddleDocs 官方的方式 )
    該不會是因為只要用 USB 傳輸,
    因此某個程度上是跟 FileAid 相同,
    必須把檔案限制在 DCIM 裡頭。
    所以就會發生 iPhoto 衝突的問題?
    ( DigiDNA 當時給我的解釋是這樣的...... )

  4. 謝謝鵝大給的線索,我把檔案放在 Device Files 目錄的上一層就不會出現在 DCIM 目錄中了!只是只能用無線來傳檔, 有一好沒兩好。但還是比 FileAid 只能放在 DCIM 中強多了.

  5. To: [ kelwu ]

    為什麼 USB 跟 WebDAV 的傳輸方法得放在不同位置下?
